Free To Be Me - Income

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 3:9 GW (God’s Word)

Honor the LORD with your wealth and with the first and best part of all your income.

In the world there is always a geological comparison made between people. In other words people of the same community will compare every person of that community with the “so-called” norm. Thus, the norm is acceptable while the abnormal is not. The problem is who defines what the norm is and does such a defined norm exist for all the people of that community? This comparison usually involves at least seven different issues (characteristics and/or topics), age, career, gender, morality, religion, ethnicity and income. So the people with similar characteristics will always be drawn to a closer relationship then those who think, act and sometimes look differently than them. This week we will briefly discuss how the characteristic of “Income” relates to our freedom in Christ Jesus. “Income” in its general sense is the amount of money you receive from labor of services whether it is personal service or goods sold at a profit. When we (ihlcc) are speaking about “income” in this context we specifically address the very real fact that people of different “income” levels seem to flock together. This is true for the very poor who have nowhere to go but the streets. This is also true for the very wealthy that associate with each other at certain higher income facilities and neighborhoods. It is a known fact that some people with a lot of money don’t necessarily want to be around people of lesser “income”. Some of this comes from not trusting in people because so many people are strictly after their money. We also know that some of this separation comes from the pride of life, where only a certain segment of society is worth my (the wealthy one’s) time and attention. Often people of wealth flaunt their possessions and their lifestyle as a badge of success. However, on the opposite end of the spectrum those without the means to be self-sufficient often suffer from low self-esteem. This financial embarrassment drives them further away from people who can help and sometimes it moves them away from the very people who love them. Yes, we know there are some people who suffer lack simply because they are lazy and they would rather complain about their circumstances than do a full day’s work. However it is good not to judge those people that fall into that category because it is only by the grace of God that we have the strength and knowledge to hold onto a good job. The simple truth is this, “money will never make the man (or woman)”. It is the wise woman (or man) that directs their money into good things that glorify God. Money helps people express themselves it is nothing more than a medium of exchange. As people (humans) God put within us vision and creativity, money simply allows for us to outwardly pay for what we inwardly see. Money in the form of “income” can be much or little but for sure the goodness of the individual will be seen by the output of their personal “income”. As Christians we never want to focus all our attention on financial gain because that would be ungodly. We recognize that God Loves all people equally and He (The Lord) gave gifts unto all men by which they can glorify God. The key is never the money but rather the key is did we use the gifts and talents the Lord gave while we are present on this earth. Money follows blessing, so when we bless someone else first (job, services, good deeds, etc…) money will come to us because that is exactly how the Lord designed His financial system to work. The individuals who typically have more influence upon others generally make more money than those with little influence. This is why no man should boast of their personal achievements because without the grace of God (who is Jesus Christ) you can do nothing. The goodness of God allowed you a certain measure of strength, wisdom, knowledge, judgment and breath so never take for granted that it is purely His Work within you that allows you to work with other people. All intelligence is birthed from God, though each man and woman has a very small portion of it, it is not ours to claim as trophies. No the goodness and grace of God freely gives all good things to all men (and women) all over this world whether He (The Lord) gets the credit or not. Therefore, we should be like our Heavenly Father who loves liberally and unconditionally because that keeps us from magnifying the works of our hands over the awesome work of His Hands in creating us and keeping us. So never distance yourself from another because you think your “income” level demands better because that is sin. Likewise, never feel like you should not socialize with someone of a higher “income” due to your financial differences because that is also sin. Dear child of God we must always remember we are all one in Christ Jesus and this resounding oneness grants us total liberty to be free in Christ Jesus just like we are living in Heaven while we visit this earth. Amen.